You might as (as we did) -- "Then why did they create a Chance?"
We now have the answer. There are countless charities, rescues and other wonderful organizations around the country who raise money and then give some to each pet who needs help. That's a traditional form of a charity and is very common. So common, it turns out, that some of our clients thought we did the same thing... that we create their Chance pages and that we, alone, compel other people to donate to them.
This was a "live and learn" moment for us. So just to make sure there's no confusion:
Pet Chance is a crowdfunding service. This means after you create your Chance page you must bring friends, family, connections and other people to the page so they can read your story and then donate and/or spread the word for you.
We will always continue to promote your Chances as well, and our network of pet-friendly people, blogs and sites is getting larger every day. But many people want to see traction before they donate - few people are willing to be the first to donate. So be sure to get the ball rolling by asking people you know for help. Their support will compel others to want to help you too!